
Greek Coins

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Greek Coins For Sale

Greek Coins are ancient coins minted by the city-states and kingdoms of Ancient Greece, typically from the 6th century BC to the 2nd century AD. Made from gold, silver, and bronze, these coins often feature gods, goddesses, and iconic symbols like owls and dolphins. Greek coins are highly valued by collectors for their artistic beauty, historical importance, and craftsmanship, offering a glimpse into the culture and economy of ancient Greece.

Ancient Greek Coins are often rare and difficult to find. They are often the rarest of the old coins and often sell to collectors for high prices. Most historians class ancient Greek coins as any coin minted from between 550 B.C. and 300 A.D. 

Ancient Greek coins are eye-catching and feature intricate designs. They're often considered the most beautiful of the old coins. Examples include Ancient Hellenic, Hellenistic and city-state coins from across the Ancient Greek world, Bosporus Kings, Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, Boeotia, and Sicily. The most popluar Greek coin is the Athenian owl tetradrachm.  

History of the Greek Coins

The Ancient Greeks well a well-developed civilization in early times. They’ve had a significant impact on many aspects of today’s modern life. The Greeks have influenced everything from the architecture and government of America. Their coinage also inspired Theodore Roosevelt, who has become famous for revitalizing American coins. 

The first coins were produced in Greece in Aegina in around 600 BC. These coins were manufactured using silver and had a turtle on their face to symbolize the city’s maritime trade. Cities such as Athens and Corinth soon started producing their own coins using images that depicted their towns. Coins were manufactured across the country as they were considered a necessity and allowed people to trade and the government to pay mercenary soldiers. 

For the first time, soldiers were able to carry their wages conveniently. The government had found a payment method that they could apply to everyone. Coins were used for bartering and maritime trade with other countries in the ancient world. People were impressed with this new portable wealth and used it to trade with each other. Poor Greeks would carry money in their mouths, while more affluent people would often store and hide their wealth.

Ancient Greek coins denominations

There were several denominations in ancient Greece, and the coin's weight would vary slightly depending on which city it was produced. Ancient Greece’s main denominations were the Starter, struck in both Gold and Silver, the Tetradrachm, Dekadrachm, and Drachma. 

The Drachma was also sometimes called the Drachm, had different denominations, including the Obol or the Triobol. 

Gold Greek Coins

Greek coins were generally produced using silver, copper, or bronze as this was more readily available and affordable. Some coins were also made from Gold or electrum, an alloy of silver and gold. 

Gold was melted to help standardize each coin’s size and weight; it was then poured into molds that had previously been engraved with the coin's design. Gold coins were a symbol of status as not everyone could afford a gold coin. 

The Gold stater from Magnesia and Maeandrum is an example of a Greek gold coin. This design was dedicated to a magistrate called Euphemos. The coin's obverse has the Greek goddess Artemis, who is facing to the right. On the reverse is the winged goddess, Nike, riding a chariot. There’s also a Greek inscription, which means ‘of the Magnesians’ and ‘Euphemos son of Pausanias.’ The Gold Starter coin has been produced in approximately 145 BC. 

Greek owl coin

The Athenian Owl Tetradrachm is one of the most widely collected and most famous ancient coins. It was produced in Athena and was made with silver. The coin's obverse depicted Athena, who was the patron of the city. On the reverse is the owl, which was taken from Athens coat-of-arms. It’s thought that this coin is one of the first-ever to be produced in the world. It’s over 2,400 years old and is highly sought after, selling for between $800 and $1200 and sometimes even more in higher grade. 

The Athenian owl has been voted as one of the top ten ancient coins ever produced. Owls were essential animals in Ancient Greece, especially in Athens, where they were used for hunting small game and delivering messages to other cities. Like all ancient coins, the owl coin has been struck by hand, and each one is unique. The Athenian owl Tetradrachm is a large coin that has exquisite detail.

Ancient Greek coins for sale

Ancient Greek coins generally sell for high prices, especially at auction, due to their scarcity. They are also highly sought after by coin collections and dealers as they are unique and beautifully designed. Greek coins were struck by hand, which means that no two are the same, and it’s often hard to put a value on ancient coins. Many coin enthusiasts are interested in the rich history of ancient Greece. 

Bullion Shark’s inventory includes an extensive range of ancient greek coinage. We have a variety of certified ancient Greek coins. 

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 Ancient Greek Coins FAQs

Greek coins are ancient currency minted by the city-states and empires of Ancient Greece. Typically made from gold, silver, or bronze, these coins often depict gods, goddesses, and famous symbols. Renowned for their artistic detail and historical significance, Greek coins offer insight into the culture, economy, and mythology of the ancient Greek world.

Greek coins were minted over a vast geographic area, stretching from the Greek mainland to colonies and territories established by city-states. The Greek world encompassed regions along the Mediterranean, including modern-day Greece, Turkey, and Italy, extending as far as Egypt and the Black Sea. Greek coinage began around the 6th century BC and continued until the 1st century AD. During this period, numerous city-states like Athens, Corinth, Syracuse, and Miletus issued their own coins. Additionally, regions and kingdoms such as Macedonia and the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt also produced their own distinctive coinage.

The first Greek coins appeared around 600 BCE in Aegina, featuring small silver pieces with a turtle symbolizing the city's wealth from maritime trade. Shortly after, Athens and Corinth began minting their own coins. The adoption of coinage in Greece was driven by the need to pay mercenaries and establish a uniform system of payment. While barter remained common in maritime trade, coins offered a practical means of exchange within city-states and their territories. They were used for everyday transactions and small public services, providing citizens with portable wealth storage. Powerful states like Athens even imposed their currency, such as the silver owl tetradrachms, on other regions as far as Egypt and Bactria.

Ancient Greek coins were used as a medium of exchange in trade and daily life, similar to modern currency. They facilitated economic transactions and played a crucial role in the ancient Greek economy.
The "Owl of Athena" is one of the most iconic ancient Greek coin designs. It features the goddess Athena's head on the obverse and an owl on the reverse. This design is closely associated with the city of Athens and its patron deity, Athena.
Yes, the artistry and designs of ancient Greek coins had a significant influence on later coinages, including Roman, Byzantine, and medieval European coins. Greek coin designs are admired for their aesthetics and historical relevance.
Ancient Greek coins were made from various metals, including gold, silver, and bronze. Gold coins were typically of higher denominations, while silver and bronze coins were used for everyday transactions.
Greek coinage, featuring images of gods, heroes, and famous figures, played a role in disseminating Greek culture and art throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. These coins were widely used in trade and commerce.
The rarity and value of ancient Greek coins depend on factors such as rarity, historical significance, condition (grade), and demand among collectors. Numismatists use reference books and auction results to gauge a coin's value.
Coins bearing the image of Alexander the Great and his successors played a significant role in promoting his image and authority across his vast empire. These coins facilitated trade and helped unify the diverse regions under his rule.

Over the centuries, various coins emerged, including the drachma, tetradrachm, stater, and obol. The drachma was the most common currency unit, usually made of silver and featuring a head on one side and a local deity or emblem on the other. For larger transactions, the tetradrachm, a silver coin worth four drachmae, was frequently used. Gold coins called staters were valued at 20 silver drachmae. Meanwhile, the obol, a small silver coin worth one-sixth of a drachma, was ideal for minor exchanges.

Some of the most valuable Greek coins are highly sought after by collectors and numismatists. Notable examples include the Decadrachms of Syracuse, celebrated for their intricate designs, and Athenian Tetradrachms, known for their iconic owl motif. The Gold Staters of Philip II and those of Alexander the Great are particularly prized for their historical significance. Recent auction records show that Decadrachms have fetched up to $150,000, while Athenian Tetradrachms often attract competitive bids, making these coins enduringly appealing in the numismatic market.