
Byzantine Coins

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Byzantine Coins For Sale

Byzantine Coins are ancient coins minted during the Byzantine Empire, from AD 330 to 1453. These coins, often made of gold, silver, and bronze, feature Christian imagery and portraits of emperors. Byzantine coins are prized by collectors for their intricate designs, historical significance, and connection to the medieval world, reflecting the empire’s religious and political influence.

Byzantine coins originate from the Eastern Roman Empire. The Byzantine empire was established in 330 A.D. and ran until approximately 1453 A.D. Ancient Byzantine coins depict imagery associated with Christianity and often feature a portrait of Jesus. Their designs are sharp, yet often simple and were struck using precious metals. 

Byzantine coins are scarce and are highly collectible. They are popular with coin collectors, dealers, and historians alike. These coins have been struck using either bronze follis, gold solidus, or gold histamenon. Ancient civilizations produced Byzantine coins in a similar manner to how the Romans made their coins. An image was engraved onto a plug, which was then hammered against a metal disc to create the coins. 

Byzantine empire coin history

The Byzantine Empire began when Constantine I decided to move Rome’s Capital to Constantinople. This town was initially called Byzantium, and from there, the empire began to grow. At the time, thousands of coins were being produced, and widespread usage of the gold Solidus began. 

Without the use of this coin for payment and trade, historians believe that the Byzantine Empire would have collapsed as the Western Roman Empire did. In fact, the Byzantine Empire went from strength to strength and lasted for more than 1,000 years after Rome’s collapse.

Byzantine coins are 1500 years old and were struck by hand, which makes then all unique. These coins were used throughout ten centuries and dominated European trade until the 13th century. The coinage reflected the religious nature of the Byzantine Empire at the time. These ancient coins used the Latin and Greek alphabet in their designs. 

The Byzantine Empire produced many denominations of coinage, the main coin being the gold solidus. This coin was relatively small and made from about 4.5 grams of almost pure gold. This coin formed the Byzantine economy's backbone as it was used to pay soldiers and for debt fulfillment and backing in the Empire.

In later years the solidus was replaced by the Hyperpyron. This coin had a similar weight and value but contained less gold. The empire also used bronze and silver coins. The silver coins were called Denarius and Antoninianus, and later the Miliarense and Silique were issued. Bronze coins were widely used by common people and were known as Nummi. Throughout the course of the Byzantine Empire, there were many different denominations of coins.

Byzantine gold coins for Sale

Byzantine coins were often minted using gold. Some of the earliest examples of gold coins featured monarchs wearing helmets or diadems, a type of crown or headband worn by the royal family. Emperors were often depicted wearing military clothing and holding a cross. 

Most gold coins had a cross located on the obverse, which represented the highly religious society at the time. Coins that lacked a cross on the obverse had one on the reverse. 

When Heraclius ruled from 610–641, coins with full figures, rather than just the heads of emperors, became more widely produced. After this time, it became common to show the emperor with his sons. Some coins even showed the emperor and empress together. On one gold coin produced under the rule of John I Tzimisces, the obverse depicted the emperor being crowned by the Virgin Mary. The hand of God was also featured at the top of the coin.  

Early Byzantine Gold coins often have an angel on the reverse to represent victory. Later examples feature a cross on steps or the bust of Christ. 

In 717, divine representations were banished from coins, and cross on steps was again commonly engraved. Some coins had imperial figures on the reverses. In 842, a new ruler was appointed called Michael III, who allowed images of Christ to return to the coins. 

Ancient Coins for sale

Considering their scarcity, you may be surprised to find that Byzantine coins are relatively cheap compared to other ancient coins. This has made the coins popular amongst novice and more experienced collectors alike. 

Some rarer coins have a higher value, but in general, these coins are affordable, even those that have been struck from gold. Byzantine coins are beautiful, and many good quality examples have survived to this day. 

Bullion Shark has an extensive collection of Byzantine coins available at reasonable prices. They are a great starting point for new collectors who would like to own a piece of history.


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 Byzantine Coins FAQs

Byzantine coins are ancient coins that were minted by the Byzantine Empire, a continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. They were used as currency in the Byzantine territories.
Byzantine coins were minted from the 4th century AD until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 AD. They span a significant period of history.
Byzantine coins were made from various metals, including gold, silver, and copper alloys. Gold coins, particularly the solidus, were highly valued and widely used in trade.
Byzantine coins played a crucial role in the empire's economy, facilitating trade and taxation. The gold solidus, in particular, was highly regarded for its reliability and consistency.
Byzantine coins often featured portraits of emperors and empresses, emphasizing the divine authority of the ruling monarchs. Religious symbols, such as crosses and chi-rhos, were also commonly incorporated to underscore the empire's Christian identity.
One notable denomination was the "nummus" or "follis," a large copper coin used during various periods of the Byzantine Empire. It often featured the emperor's portrait on the obverse and religious symbols on the reverse.
After the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire in 1453, Byzantine coinage declined and eventually ceased. The Ottomans introduced their own coinage, and Byzantine coins became historical artifacts.
Byzantine gold coins, especially the solidus, were known for their high purity and consistent weight. They were considered some of the most reliable and respected coins in the Mediterranean world during their time.
Yes, Byzantine emperors often issued coins to commemorate military successes or victories over enemies. These coins typically featured inscriptions or symbols related to the conquests.
The inscriptions on Byzantine coins typically included the name of the emperor, their titles, and sometimes religious or political messages. These inscriptions are essential for identifying and dating coins.