Celebrate America's 200th birthday with this unique collectible coin and currency set! 1976 celebrated The United States of America's bicentennial with gusto, releasing a range of celebratory coins and currency. This set features the historic 1776-1976 Bicentennial quarter, the first-ever circulating commemorative coin, showcasing a colonial drummer inspired by the "Spirit of '76" painting. This quarter's special design, with dual dates "1776-1976," was a one-year issue. The set also includes the only U.S. banknote ever redesigned for a commemorative purpose: the $2 bill. Its reverse features Trumbull's famous painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, depicting iconic figures like John Hancock, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. This pairing of coin and currency makes a striking tribute to American independence. At just $9.95, you cannot go wrong adding this set to your collection!
- 1976 Quarter & $2 bill set
- Special album with details about the set
- Bicentennial issues