The Eisenhower Dollar was a short-lived series introduced in 1971. The United States Mint produced a limited number of 40% Silver Eisenhower Dollars during its run. As its first year of issue, the proof version it was released in faux wood patterned box over the government packaging, which led to the nickname "Brown Ike."
This uncirculated GEM Proof 1971 Eisenhower Dollar is stunning and still in its government issued case! Fewer than 7 million Proof Eisenhower Dollars were released in 1971. These proofs are much more desirable than a loose uncirculated piece. The secret to proof coins' stunning finish is being struck 2x under tremendous pressure at the U.S. Mint. This is an incredible and affordable piece of obsolete U.S. numismatic history to add to your collection!
- 40% Silver composition
- GEM Proof
- Original government case (brown box not included)