
Pangaea: Money of the Seven Continents (Album)

Pangaea: Money of the Seven Continents (Album)

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Buy Money of The Seven Continents Online!


Introducing the Pangaea Collection, a captivating set of seven coins from each continent that long ago formed the ancient supercontinent of Pangaea. With coins from around the world this set offers a unique opportunity to get your hands on seven different coins from every corner of the globe. Order this special set online from Bullion Shark!


Start your journey exploring the Pangaea Collection with a Ugandan 10 shilling coin, a symbol of the continent's rich diversity and vibrant culture. Next venture to the Americas with two coins, an El Salvador 5 centavos coin representing North America, and a Brazil 10 centavos coin representing South America. These two coins embody the spirit of exploration and innovation that defines the Americas. Then take your journey to Asia with the India 20 paise coin.


Continue your exploration with the Estonia 10 senti coin, a testament to the rich and dramatic history of this region. Delve into the mysteries of Oceania, represented by the Tonga 2 seniti coin that captures the beauty of its island nations. Finally, complete your journey with an Antarctic $1 bill, symbolizing the unyielding spirit of humanity and our shared desire to explore the unknown.


Each coin in the Pangaea Collection is a unique piece from each corner of the globe, sure to intrigue any coin collector and even provide an avenue to learn about global coinage. Start your journey through the seven continents with the Pangaea Collection by adding this set to your collection today.


Why Collect The Pangaea Seven Coin Collection?


  1. Includes seven different coins from around the globe, one representing each continent that long ago made up the enormous supercontinent known as Pangaea.
  2. Each coin is a unique coin from countries around the world that are not commonly found.
  3. Comes packaged in a display album, with the coins arranged nicely in a sleeve holder inside the album.
  4. Each coin is in excellent condition and ready to display or store as is.


Pangaea Seven Coin Collection Coin Details:


Here are the seven coins included in this collection:


North America: (El Salvador 5 centavos)

South America: (Brazil 10 centavos)

Europe: (Estonia 10 senti)

Africa: (Uganda 10 shillings)

Asia: (India 20 paise)

Oceania: (Tonga 2 seniti)

Antarctica: ($1 bill)

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